Company name
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, MS, Inc.
Date of event
Place of event
TMMMS 1200 Magnolia Way, Blue Spring, MS 38828
Number of participants
Number of planted trees
Tree species
Swamp Chestnut Oak, Water Oak, Shumard Oak, Cherrybark Oak, White Oak, Durand Oak, Chinkapin Oak, Chickasaw Plum, American Beautyberry, Black Cherry, Buttonbush, Common Persimmon, Switchgrass Plugs, Indiangrass Plugs, Big Bluestem Plugs
Participation of advisors
Activity targets, ideas, etc.
Local Special Olympics athletes were invited to participate in tree planting. We decided to dig holes in advance to ensure timely completion of planting.
Other comments
Will use drone to monitor progress of planting area over the next 5 years.
Contact person
Rachel Parks/Sean McCarthy; 662-317-4211 / 662-317-4109; ;